I haven’t received any news about the current status of the Noob, VS, and V6 factories. As I mentioned in my previous post, they are temporarily closed, and it is uncertain when they will resume operations.These factories are essential as many clients have placed orders, but they are unsure where to source their watches from. I have also heard that these factories might operate under different names upon their return, as their previous names have attracted attention from certain departments. I hope that, in the future, they will continue to provide high-quality replica watches, as I have already collected many orders.
In our market, there has been a surge in the establishment of new factories, particularly in the watch manufacturing industry. It seems like new watch manufacturers are popping up under different brand names. Interestingly, well-known factories such as Noob, VS, and V6 have ceased production, creating an opportunity for these new players to fill the gap. However, I believe that it won’t be an easy task for them to replace the reputation and market position of the established factories.
This replica Hublot watch originates from HB factory, and it has also been produced by V6 factory in the past. The watch is constructed entirely from carbon fiber, including the case, bezel, and dial. The carbon fiber used is genuine and imparts a lightweight feel to the watch. While the texture of the carbon fiber may not be an exact match to that of a genuine watch, the replica is of high quality.
The perfect replica watches with a 7750 chronograph movement tend to be thicker than genuine watches. However, there is one exception in the market, which is the Daytona from Noob. This particular replica watch features a chronograph movement but can be manufactured to have the same case thickness as the genuine watch.
The all-black carbon construction of the watch gives it a stylish appearance. The hands and hour markers are coated with white luminous material, enhancing visibility against the black dial. The transparent crystal back allows for a clear view of the movement, including a plate engraved with the Hublot logo and HUB 4100. It is worth noting that this watch features a replica HUB 4100 movement, which is simply decorated and not comparable to independently developed Super Clone movements. Interestingly, the price of this Hublot replica is lower than that of V6’s.